Wednesday, September 3, 2014


The contractor the Makati Parking Building, HILMARC'S Construction, so as to parry the accusations that the said building is overpriced, cited the cost of other government buildings which cost no less than P61,000/sq.m. But such defense doesn't make the Makati Parking Building still any less OVERPRICED. It simply shows that some government buildings are OVERPRICED, and that includes the Makati Parking Building. That the PRACTICE OF OVERPRICING SEEMED TO BE NORM IN CONSTRUCTION OF GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, DOESN'T IN ANY WAY MAKE SUCH OVERPRICING LEGALLY, ETHICALLY, POLITICALLY ACCEPTABLE. Thus it simply shows that THERE'S SOMETHING REALLY REALLY WRONG in the pricing of GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS (AND WHO KNOWS EVEN OTHER GOVERNMENT CONSTRUCTIONS). Thus indeed the Senate is right in having this hearing IN AID OF LEGISLATION. LAWS MUST THUS BE CREATED SO AS TO PROHIBIT THE GLARING, REASON-DEFYING OVERPRICING of government constructions. Also, IT'S BUT LOGICAL AND ETHICAL THAT THOSE caught BREAKING THE LAW for such OVERPRICING MUST ALSO BE PROSECUTED, AND EVENTUALLY BE BROUGHT BEFORE AND BEHIND THE BARS OF JUSTICE.

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